INVISIBLE CLASSIC / Location: San Fior - Agent: Luigino De Giusti
INVISIBLE / Location: Via Filippini, Treviso - Enterprise: Costruzioni BORDIGNON Volpago del Montello (TV) - Designers: Archi-Plan studio, Montebelluna (TV) - Agente: Studiodue Srl, Varaschin Valter
Basculanti acciaio • ELEGANCE
Basculanti acciaio • PANEL
PANEL HORIZON / Construction company: Costruzioni De Martin Srl - Location: Cordignano - Agent: Luigino De Giusti
PRATIC 16 extra large horizontal / Location: Conegliano - Agent: Luigino De Giusti
Basculanti acciaio • ARTISTIC
Model ArtisticWith covering in wrought iron realized by the Simon Benetton art Laboratory.
Basculanti legno • ISOLMANT
Basculanti legno • NORMAL PLUS
Model normal plus - Aesthetics PerlaFiller Okoumé, colour to sample, pedestrian door and glazed area, automation.
Basculanti legno • NORMAL
Model normalFiller Okoumé, lacquered Gray Ral 7000, top grating pitch area.